October 21, 2024

Marov Business

Business Blog

2023 Military Challenge Coins

6 min read

Whether you are a member of the military, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard, our custom-made military challenge coins have the weight, quality, and gravity to truly honour the bravery and integrity of our committed servicemen and women.

We will assist you with your military challenge coins project for whatever cause. We strive to please you, as evidenced by our customer reviews. We’d be happy to assist you in creating a coin that is completely unique to you.

As for challenge coins,Military challenge coins are rich in heritage, history, and custom. They are not trinkets or keepsakes, but rather a symbol of a higher purpose: serving our country and being willing to make the ultimate sacrifice.

Our designers have vast experience producing designs that pay homage to historical military challenge coins while being contemporary.

Where did the tradition of military challenge coins come from?

Military challenge coins were never officially sanctioned, hence the tradition’s history is hotly discussed among military historians.

According to popular belief, a wealthy American lieutenant in World War I handed matching bronze coins to his unit members prior to deployment.

When an American pilot was apprehended by Germans and escaped to a French outpost, he was mistaken for a German spy – until he produced the military challenge coin around his neck. According to the story, the military challenge coin saved his life and earned him a bottle of French wine in exchange.

Others think the practice began in a Vietnam infantry-run tavern, where patrons were asked to submit enemy bullets or a military challenge coin upon entry.

In either case, military challenge coins still earn service personnel their fair amount of alcohol. When military members convene in a bar, they often tap their military challenge coins and cry, “Coin check!” Anyone who cannot produce one or is the last to do so buys the first round of drinks.

How Has Military Challenge Coins Since Evolved?

Military challenge coin traditions have risen to the highest levels of the military. In 2011, then-Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates shook hands with US troops in Afghanistan, delivering duplicates of military challenge coins to each of them as a sign of thanks.

Since Clinton, all presidents have carried distinctively designed military challenge coins to deliver to visiting dignitaries and military personnel. President George W. Bush frequently delivered them to injured troops coming from the Middle East, and President Barack Obama made it a point to pass them to service members stationed at the Air Force One stairs.

Today’s Military Challenge Coins:

Military challenge coins began as a form of identification for military members, but have now expanded into much more. They must be used to foster friendships, establish relationships, and promote success.

Military challenge coins are popular not only for military people, but also for school products, church organizations, scout groups, Greek organizations, and many other uses.

Military challenge coins not only develop individual strength and courage, but they also inspire teamwork and friendship.

Military challenge coins are an excellent way to demonstrate who you are and where you come from, whether they become a keepsake or trading currency.

Military Challenge Coins Appearance

There are numerous finishes available, ranging from plain pewter to 24K gold. While only a few basic metals are used, the patina (finish) can range from gold, silver, or nickel to brass, copper, or bronze, as well as antiqued varieties.

Color can be added using soft or hard enamel or a printed inlay with an epoxy finish (epoxies are frequently used).

more durable and scratch-resistant than metal surfaces).

Cost Of Military Challenge Coins

Military challenge coins are reasonably priced to design and manufacture. There are two fundamental manufacturing processes: zinc-alloy castings and die-struck bronze.

Zinc alloy castings have the advantage of being inexpensive. Zinc casting also provides for greater design versatility, such as cutouts found on spinning coins or opener coins. While a die-struck bronze or brass coin is more expensive, the ultimate result is significantly greater.

As of 2010, coins made in China and South Korea typically cost between $2.50 and $7.00 each coin, depending on the manufacturing process and the complexity of the design, enamels, voids, and so on.

The dies must be carved by an artist and should cost between $50 and $300, depending on complexity. Domestic manufacturing may be worth many times this amount.

To remain competitive, most North American challenge coin producers rely on having the product manufactured elsewhere. Many challenge coins are manufactured in South Korea, where there is a close connection to US military facilities and costs are lower than in the United States.

Motorcycle Clubs Use Military Challenge Coins

The “National Association of Buffalo Soldiers and Troopers Motorcycle Club” (NABSTMC), which has over 85 chapters and over 2,000 members, is another group where military challenge coins have gained popularity. Members must earn the military challenge coin for a thrilling accomplishment.

The Harley Owners Group (HOG) designed and distributed its own challenge coin to Harley-Davidson motorcycle owners in 2009.


Participants who win the ‘Grand Prize’ in the International Genetically Engineered Machine competition (IGEM) receive a military coin challenge coin starting in 2016.

Varian Medical Systems, a medical device maker, presents military challenge coins to its service personnel for noteworthy achievements. Many Varian staff have military backgrounds, where they learned the necessary electrical and mechanical abilities.

to support Varian equipment.

Media, commerce, and education

There are numerous examples of military challenge coins used in the media industry:

A military challenge coin went viral in 2020 when America’s leading challenge coin retailer published a coin commemorating an incident in Connecticut involving Trooper Spina.

The Secretary of State of Virginia sent a cease and desist letter to Louis “Uncle Louie” Gregory in response to a military challenge coin he designed in 2020.

Director Jon Favreau mentions in his audio commentary for the DVD release of Iron Man 2 that he had Iron Man 2 military challenge coins made to distribute to us Air Force personnel as a gesture of thanks for our cooperation while the production (and its predecessor, Iron Man) was filmed on location at Edwards Air Force Base.

Bill Prady, the Big Bang Theory’s executive producer, presented the “executive producer’s military challenge coin” to the crew of the final space shuttle.

  1. Lee (Gunny) Ermey delivers a challenge coin to lieutenant Carr as a prize for being the “top gun” in his class with the Javelin Portable Rocket Launching System on the “Rockets” episode of Lock N’ Load with R. Lee Ermey.

Volunteer examiners in the American Radio Relay League may carry the VEC (volunteer examiner coordinator) military challenge coin.

These members are in charge of giving FCC-sanctioned examinations that allow successful applicants to qualify as amateur radio operators in the three license categories of technician, general, and amateur extra.

For each season of Breaking Bad, the cast was handed military challenge coins made by show creator Vince Gilligan.

Another military challenge coin was included in the Blu-ray package of the entire series.

Treyarch provided these military challenge coins with unique packaging with the release of Black Ops 2.

Military challenge coins were distributed as an optional incentive to backers of the crowdfunded film Lazer Team.

In the 2018 film Hunter Killer, Gerard Butler’s character receives a military challenge coin during a handshake.

On their 2018 30th anniversary “Watch Out For Snakes” Live Tour, Mystery Science Theater 3000 sold military challenge coins commemorating their 30th anniversary.

In the meantime, examples can be found in the fields of business and education. Many firms use corporate coins to recognise employee accomplishments, boost employee morale, and prevent turnover.

The Builders Association of the Twin Cities (BATC), for example, released a military challenge coin emphasizing their fundamental values: “recruit, retain, grow.”

In addition, St Mary’s University commemorated the whole Public Safety Administration with a coin.

As soon as we receive your information, Super Challenge Coins will begin working on your design for FREE. Our customer support team will assist you at every stage of the process to ensure that creating your next custom product is as simple as possible.