October 6, 2024

Marov Business

Business Blog


3 min read

You don’t have to manage physical inventory or the time-consuming tasks of order fulfillment as a dropshipping retailer. Your work is to sell products while your dropshipping supplier fulfills your customer orders and delivers them directly to the customers. 

But that doesn’t mean dropshipping is a walk in the park. Although it provides enough benefits to help you improve your eCommerce business, you have to do it right to be successful. Here are some practical approaches to dropshipping.

Market research

It is advisable to use dropshipping to reduce your entrepreneurial risks by trying out new products. Instead of investing your capital in packing your warehouse with unpredictable products, use dropshipping to conduct market research. In addition to discovering whether an item sells or not, it gives you insight into how much it sells for. 

This kind of market research gives you an accurate number of the products you should buy for your initial stock to minimize risks. Suppose you sell dog products and would like to incorporate cat products; in that case, dropshipping is a good approach to test the market and see if they are ready for your new product.

Reduce your risks of seasonal workflows

Market fluctuations are unexpected and can result in significant losses, especially if you sell perishable products. Thankfully dropshipping is an ideal way to manage that risk. Instead of spending more money overstocking inventory to meet unlikely maximums having a dropshipping supplier as a backup can save you more without losing unexpected sales. 

You can stock the amounts you know you will sell, then use dropshipping when unexpected product demand occurs. This is a good way to minimize your risks.

Overcome shipping challenges

For a traditional retailer, one of the biggest challenges to scalability is shipping complications. Maybe you want to reach out to more customers in a different location, but the shipping costs are ridiculous, or the issue of taxes and extra fees discourage you. So what do you do? You can use dropshipping to test new market locales.

The further you get from your fulfillment center, the more the shipping costs. You can use dropshipping to determine whether it is worth opening a new fulfillment facility in a particular location.

Sell high maintenance products.

Some products are more costly to maintain and ship than others, and therefore it may be more profitable to dropship them than stock and manage the inventory yourself. High maintenance products include large products that take up more space, fragile products, heavy products, valuables like jewelry, and products that need special conditions to store, like freezers.

In such cases, it doesn’t make sense to pay additional storage and shipping costs for only limited orders unless your business specializes in selling that kind of product. Therefore dropshipping is a good way to sell high maintenance products while minimizing your risk of managing the storage and shipping.

Summing up

There are several practical approaches to dropshipping if you already own a retail business. It helps you test new products and markets, sell high maintenance products, and protect you from seasonal sale fluctuations.