3 Ways WordPress can Strengthen Your Content Marketing
2 min read
Content is the foundation of marketing. Many developers and marketers credit their success to WordPress website optimization service. You must have a system that can integrate tools for content marketing, content management, and eCommerce into one place if you want to speed up WordPress. And if you’re looking to enhance your content marketing strategy, there are a few ways that WordPress can help you achieve that.
Plugins for WordPress that amplify a content marketing strategy
WordPress has a range of plugins that can boost a content marketing strategy. These plugins can help with search engine optimization, controlling access, translating text, and showcasing featured content. They also offer helpful features such as a layout-free content editor. Some of these plugins also provide features such as a calendar and threaded comments.
For example, Scribe, a content marketing WordPress plugin developed by Copyblogger Media, can help you research opportunities and align your writing style with your content marketing goals. It can also help you identify similar websites and social media profiles. Scribe works by following a simple formula that is useful for content marketing. However, it is essential to note that Scribe only works on websites and blogs written in English.
Using a content idea generator to speed up WordPress
Content idea generators can help you come up with content topics that are both unique and related to your niche. They can also help you create title ideas around your keywords. You can then use those ideas to create your own content.
Additionally, these tools are free and easy to use. You can input critical words into the tool and get back dozens or even hundreds of pictures. You can save these ideas to a spreadsheet or a list of ideas you can use later.
Using a paid ad vs. a content marketing strategy
If you’re planning to use WordPress for your website, you must develop a marketing strategy that combines organic and paid content. While both forms of content advertising can drive traffic to your site, organic content is likely more effective at bringing customers to your site. If you want to understand organic and paid digital marketing better, check this comprehensive infographic from Digital Marketing Philippines that explains the differences between the two.